
Let's cut the crap.

This blog is nothing special. I'm incredibly indecisive. I change my layout all the time as well as my direction. That honestly reflects exactly who I am as a person. That is me in real life...indecisive. I don't have any special super talents as of now. Any talents that I do have I am finally trying to perfect again. There are two things I'm really good at: giving love and being a Mom. Everything else needs to be worked on. I don't have too much to offer the world as of now, except my opinions. This is not a frou frou blog. My life isn't the most positive out there. I don't offer prints, graphics, freebies or any of that cool shit that other people can offer you. Can I do those things? Yes, of course. Am I good at them? Probably not. At this time in my life, this blog's direction is really starting out at the beginning of my new life. If you're here, you'll be watching me grow. Complain. Delete my blog and start over again. You'll see me evolve and you'll see me retreat. I'm not here to be famous. If, for some odd reason, somebody thinks that I am cool then that happens. If not, oh well. The fact that you are here and interested enough to stay, thanks. There will be other blogs and I am one of millions.


Megan said...

I love your honesty ♥ I'm excited for you to start pushing your life in the direction you want to take it and I know you're going to do well.

Darianne said...

I love this post. We're similar too. I'm very indecisive. I change my layout every other week. Either by tweaking it or changing it completely. I've been contemplating deleting all my older post and starting over. I also don't smoke marijuana, and I agree that it is sought as a negative substance by mainstream media. Hemp actually does my skin really good.

xo ♥

Yuri Flores said...

I have to say, that Im sooo glad I started following you..
We are similar, for lack of better words.
I think I relate to this post, oh idk.. about 1000%
Its actully kinda crazy!.. anyway.. great post!

Jenn said...

Thank you Megan. You're always super sweet!

Jenn said...

I love all your layouts and looks D :)

Jenn said...

I love that we relate on a larger scale!!!!!!!!! It's nice to know there is someone almost exactly like you out there :D

bobbi said...

You already know how much I love you, but it begs repeating: Love you, girl! (also, your hair! I don't know why I didn't notice it before, but that length looks amazing on you!)

Ashley Riah said...

I love this post & loveeeeeee your honesty :)

I can relate like a million and one percent to just about every pixel of this post!

Jazmyn said...

I missed your blog because of this, because of how real you are about everything. Not in a creepy way of course, I followed you a long time ago haha. But yeah I completely understand where you're coming from. I've always felt I have no real direction and that I'm not amazing at just one thing so I go through these phases where I change my blog design about 5 times in one week and then those months where I feel like up and moving my blog so I don't have to deal with any expectations that may come with blogging publicly from my followers.

But back on your old blog (I believe it was My Dear Jenn right?) you were always an incredibly strong woman and that was one thing I really admired about you and because of that, like Megan I'm sure you will do well! :)


Jess Craig said...

i think you're fucking awesome.

Ami @ a champagne dream said...

I'm kind of in love with you.

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