Guess who came home after 6 very long months? My angel baby. I can't believe he has been home for 2 weeks already! I was truly worried about how the transition was going to be for him when he got home. As usual, he shed some tears the first night. Never fear though, I always seem to explain what's going on really well and make sure to listen to his feelings. I think listening is incredibly important with young children. You can't just tell them how to feel. You have to let them feel. When his Dad left for his last deployment, my son was upset. When we moved out of our home in Alaska, he freaked out when he walked in his room and everything was packed up. He has been through so many transitions in his short little life. Deployments, moves, divorce. He is incredibly strong and brave for a little guy. And let me tell you, his memory from the past 2 1/2 years is phenomenal. He remembers everything! I'm so impressed.
When he got home, he made sure that I knew that he knew how to clean his room. He let me know about his new cartoon love, Phineas and Ferb. He sings songs in full, which he never did before. I worried about if he forgot about me since he was gone for so long. He surely didn't. The first time he laid eyes on me after getting off that plane, I knew he remembered. He was amazed and glowing. He didn't scream or act crazy. He just wanted to hold me and he had the sweetest grin on his face. It was wonderful. I'm happy to know he still loves broccoli but it saddens me that we no longer share the same love for gravy. I got to take him to see The Avengers, something we've both been waiting to see together for months. He was thrilled.
Mike and my son get along great together. Michael is so good with kids and especially Xavier. They entertain each other and when I don't happen to have the energy to want to do something, Mike does. If I don't want to build legos, Mike will. Our environment is so peaceful here. I'm so happy that I have my two boys. I hate going to work and leaving them behind. They really lift my spirits up and put me in a positive mood. I will never get bored with these two men in my life :)
Jenn may I first say thank you for your comment on my blog about my time in Seattle visiting my brother. :) I am so glad that you noticed I am Mormon and that I still absolutely love my brother who is gay. He is one of the best men I know. Honestly, I don't agree with his lifestyle, but that doesn't make me love him any less, I just want him to be happy. :)
And I absolutely loved this post! I don't know all of the details of your life, but from what I can tell, you love your son and he's lucky to have you in his life. I'm glad he's back with you! (Was he was his father for that 6 months?) And like you said, listening and making sure our children know their feelings are legitimate is so important. I'm working on that with my little boy and helping him learn to express himself...we're definitely learning together. ;)
Anyway, sorry for the novel. Glad I found your blog! xo
Yes, he was with his dad for 6 months. Was such a hard time! I actually had a few more posts before these but I ended up taking them down (for whatever reason) and start my layout over. I'm just now getting back into blogging again and I'm pretty sure we are Insta friends :)
Your brother seems so wonderful and happy and ultimately, that's what truly matters. Not that I know him, but he has a glow about him in his pictures :)
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